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About BCC

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Christine Moses, D. Ed.


·    Equity and Inclusion Coach, Facilitator & Consultant

·    Community Engagement Strategist

·    Communications, PR, Marketing Expert


   We believe that individuals and organizations have the power to end the devastating effects of trauma and exploitation by dismantling the institutional framework of racism, discrimination, and oppression.


   BCC’s vision for our communities, corporations, schools, and agencies is that they are safe spaces and cultures where everyone belongs. Research suggests that racism, sexism, and othering can be eliminated when we deeply value and respect each other for our differences. When our workplaces, schools, and communities are equitable, diversity is celebrated and organizations can become genuinely, honestly inclusive. We can then show up as we truly are without fear or reservation. 


   Everyone must feel they belong to foster creativity and innovation in our communities. We must all feel safe (emotionally, physically, and intellectually) to create the vital and compassionate communities we all want to live in.


   This is not idealism. This is structural and cultural change on the micro and the macro levels. It is true hearts and minds stuff. Thoughtful personal reflection on our biases and prejudices is required to foster real, equitable change throughout our organizations and communities, and in our daily lives. Then we must create new neural pathways to overcome the hardwired biases we accumulate throughout the years. Checking boxes gets us nowhere; this is changing our daily thought processes and behaviors and the conscious practice of actually living them. 


   Make no mistake, this is messy work. We must give each other grace and forgiveness for making mistakes along the way. The mistakes and forgiveness are important inflection points for learning because real learning comes from taking risks, taking responsibility for them, and then learning how to do better next time. Real learning happens outside of our comfort zones. The key is communication; never stop talking, never stop learning, never stop asking and answering questions, and never stop forgiving. That’s where Buffalo Cloud Consulting comes in. When we say “Pure communication for the greater good,” we mean it.


   Unlearning racism, discrimination, isolationism, and oppression are the goals. We use the latest brain research and trauma-informed practices to guide our work but really, we only need to look to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for the roadmap.


   Engage us to help you do this critical work.



Our process

  • Level-set definitions and engagement agreements with leadership and within the organization, school, or community

  • Facilitate individual awareness of implicit bias to overcome white fragility; assess, coach, and support people in their learning process

  • Examine institutional discrimination, racism, power dynamics, and barriers to dismantle meritocracy and bootstrap myths that stand between access and opportunities for clients, students, staff members, and community members

  • Use experiential tools to facilitate learning and implementation (5 Behaviors of Successful Teams, Design Thinking, Quiet Leadership, Diversity Works, Intercultural Development Inventory, Lean Canvas and other iterative change management processes, Liberating Structures, Teaching Tolerance Anchor Standards for Individual Assessments, Meyer DEI Spectrum Tool, among others)

  • Support the development of the organizational equity lens, the equity strategic plan, and the continuous learning plan to create lasting, meaningful change

  • Build organizational capacity to continue the process (equity teams, affinity groups, caucus groups, employee empowerment groups)

  • Provide crisis communications when the work gets scary

  • Be a coach, thought partner, educator, facilitator, and instigator for our clients

See Christine's


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